lundi 2 mai 2016

Basics Relating To Back Pain Relief

By Jerry Thompson

Back ache is a common problem among both men and women. Both are affected in almost the same proportions. The incidence becomes higher with advancing age. For ease of management, it is divided into acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is that which has been experienced for not more than two weeks while chronic pain is that which has existed for more than two weeks. Blue Bell, PA residents need to understand a number of things when looking for back pain relief.

To manage a case of back ache, one needs to understand the underlying problem. The commonest cause of acute back discomfort is a muscle strain resulting from strenuous physical activities. Fortunately, most cases will resolve spontaneously either spontaneously or with the use of over the counter analgesic agents. A few cases, remain persistent and progress to chronicity.

Among the commonest causes of chronic back ache is a degenerative condition known as osteoarthritis. The condition affects large joints including the ankle joint, the knee joint, the hip joint and intervertebral joints. The problem is often seen from the sixth decade of life. The discomfort has been observed to be aggravated by movements taking place at the affected joints.

No definitive treatment for osteoarthritis exists. The main method that is used for relief is over the counter analgesic drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples include ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen and aspirin. Steroids and opioids may be prescribed if the NSAIDs prove ineffective. Exercise is often prescribed alongside these drugs. Surgery is reserved for the most severe forms that are characterized by extensive damage to the articular surfaces.

Infections may cause both acute and chronic pain. Bacterial infections can be easily managed using antibiotics. The antibiotics may, however, not be effective against tuberculosis. A specific set of drugs is available for this. Tuberculosis causes marked deformity and subsequent spine instability due to its destructive effect on bony structures. Corrective surgery such as spinal fusion may be needed in this case to restore normalcy.

Tumors of the spine are also characterized by pain among other symptoms. They are of two main forms: primary and secondary. The primary tumors are those that originate directly from the bones the commonest of which is known as multiple myeloma. Other examples include giant cell tumors and osteogenic sarcoma. Secondary tumors, on the other hand, originate from other organs and spread to the spine. Such organs include the thyroid, the kidneys, the prostate and breasts among others. Treating the tumors helps manage the symptoms.

Apart from medical therapies, there are a number of other treatments that have been tried successfully for this problem. Physical therapy is among those that are most effective. It consist of two forms; passive and active exercises. Active exercises are those that are done by the patients themselves while passive exercises are conducted by the therapist. The common practice is to combine both forms so as to optimize on the results.

Acupuncture and acupressure are also offered widely. The former is a practice that involves the use of needles to restore wellness. These needles are inserted in specific predetermined areas of the body to influence the flow of life energy (qi). Acupressure works in similar fashion but instead of needles, pressure is exerted using the palm of the hand.

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