mardi 5 janvier 2016

Tips On Alternative Lyme Protocols

By Diane Stevens

Lyme disease is a bacterium infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. The Center for Disease Control in the United State established that over 300, 000 Americans suffers from the disease. Many campaigns have been launched encouraging people to conduct regular medical assessment. This will enable identification of the causative agent, and killing it before it spreads to other body parts. The current system of treatment, which entails consumption of antibiotics for a duration of four weeks has been highly ineffective. Therefore, advocating for the alternative Lyme Protocols is a good decision.

There are varieties of treatment plans that can be used without causing intensive side effects such as those associated with antibiotics. Herbal formulations have been deployed to the health product market. They are used as alternative treatment for the Lyme disease. Their effectiveness has been established in many people, but there is need to ensure the components present in the herb do no cause allergy. An experienced herbal doctor can prescribe different formulations at every stage of the disease. At the initial stage a mixture of Propolis, Echinacea, Licorice, red root, and resin should be used most times.

Investigations conducted by scientist who liaises with health practitioners have found out that eating a number of raw garlic cloves has features of minimizing the infection. The garlic has both antiviral and antibacterial properties, which identify and digest the bacteria. Regular consumption of garlic is recommendable irrespective of Lyme infection status. The human body requires integrating, and embracing chemical substances released after garlic is digested.

Medicinal herbs functions efficiently when supplemented with other medicines including capsules and pills. Extracts from the olive leaf have immunity properties. They have ability to enhance the production of defensive cells such as leucocytes and lymphocytes. Storing the extracts in medical cabinet, and using it on a regular basis should be the plan of each individual. It is good to note that not all plants are medicinal. In fact, some are poisonous, hence, seeking guidance of an herbal product expert is recommended. Olive mixes well with capsules, tea or extracts.

To make sure the medications are functioning work out on a regular basis. Consider registering for a gym, or do some morning run. This enables the body to function properly, the circulatory system is at its best, and instances of heart complications are eliminated. Exercising is important since the Lyme disease tend to cause nervous system complications, heart disease, and arthritis.

The peak of Lyme disease is the most critical stage. Therefore, patients are supposed to ensure at the particular stage their immunity is at top-notch level. Consumption of organic foods is a good move. Fresh vegetables and organic juice are very effective. Stress must be avoided by engaging in other activities such as travelling or watching movies.

Introduction of Homeopathic cure plan has revolutionized the health industry. The program involves identifying the symptoms of the disease at various stages, and treating it. Supplementing the Homeopathic treatment with other herbal helps increase the program efficiency.

Most times fever is misunderstood, but it is a natural means of boosting the body immunity. There are diverse therapies, some that raise the body temperature of the patient to 101.5-102 degree Celsius twice each day for a range of 15-20 minutes. The fever increases immunity, and slows down both viral and bacterial activity.

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