mardi 27 septembre 2016

How Magnetic Pulsers Work And Benefit The Human Body

By Ronald Morgan

In this century there are many cures available for all types of ailments and illnesses. There are pharmaceutical and alternative solutions. With all the pain people are experiencing, it is very difficult not to try every possible treatment out there.

The treatment for common ailments usually take form in a pill or syrup. Human advancement has given us technology for different types of alternate solutions and one of them are magnetic pulsers. This is a device developed by using atmospheric resonance with a specific range of frequencies. These is better known as Schumann Resonance.

The Schumann Resonance are frequencies that are recorded from the electromagnetic field spectrum by physicist W. O. Schumann. The pulser emits this same range of frequencies to heal a certain part of the body or relieve it from pain. From physiological, neurological and even to symptoms of psychological issues, the pulser can help with the medical treatment. Pain relief for old age ailments, some types of allergies, back pain and cramps is also provided by the machine.

Seeing that one machine can help with so much puts into question how vibrations at certain levels affect the body. There has been a disconnect from the natural healing frequency of the earth due to the industrialization and the daily interruption of radio waves, microwaves, TV signals and other waves emitted by technology that we always use. The frequencies that the pulser emits mimics the Schumann resonance. These vibrations are said to be an essential for humans and animals to have a generally healthy well being.

The disruption of the our natural state is basically the cause of disease. More and more people are having disturbed sleeping patterns and have circadian rhythms that are off kilter not only because of stress but also the lack of connection to more natural things. In consequence, day to day bodily functions do not perform at maximum efficiency and it becomes easier to get sick.

Magnetic Therapy is like a biological tuning fork that gets our bodies back to the right track. It reaches to a deep enough level of healing it can repair tissues fast. This implies that resistance to infection increases. From physiological, neurological and even to symptoms of psychological damage, the pulser can assist with whatever medication an individual is taking. While this alternative treatment may help a lot, it cannot cure everything.

The device consists of a box and a paddle. The paddle has a north and south side. Where the paddle is placed against the body is dependent on where the pain is. Frequencies also vary based on what type of ailment is to be treated. The pulser comes with a manual that provides this information.

Schumann resonance devices are not a cure for all diseases. Opting for this type of therapy does not mean that medically advised treatments and medications can be forgone. These devices are for helping treat pain. Also, Pregnant women and people who have pacers are not allowed to undergo this treatment or use these devices.

It is a amazing how alternative treatments can help even when not therapeutic approval. Science has made studies that have correlated natural Earth vibrations to the health of the living things in it. Technology has indeed come a long way.

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