mercredi 13 avril 2016

Lipo Can Help Many Patients Lose Fat And Feel Better About Themselves

By Joshua Thompson

Since the earliest days humans paid close attention to their bodies and strived to achieve what they believe to be the perfect body shape. In fact, many people are willing to go to great lengths and expense to achieve the type of body they desire. Today, cosmetic surgery has become commonplace. People routinely opt for breast enhancements, surgery on their eyes, chins, thighs and many other areas of the body. Even in Walnut Creek patients opt for lipo if they feel that they are carrying too much weight.

Liposuction is not a recent development. This type of procedure was performed as long ago as the early nineteen twenties. It never took of because their were simply too many complications such as gangrene, extreme pain and sometimes even death. In the early nineteen eighties French surgeons introduced new, safer techniques and liposuction very quickly became extremely popular. Today it is viewed as a standard plastic surgery procedure.

Liposuction can be used to get rid of fat in many parts of the body. Male clients most often require the removal of fat from their breasts a d to get rid of their double chins. The procedure is also popular for removing fat from the breasts, the thighs, the calves, cheeks, chins and the area under the upper arms. In some cases liposuction can be performed in conjunction with another cosmetic procedure.

Liposuction will not make cellulite disappear. It is most certainly not a substitute for eating a healthy diet or for a disciplined exercise regime. It is also important to understand that it is impossible to remove all unwanted fat. If too much fat is removed the chances for complications are very high. Older people and people with sun damaged skin may not benefit from this procedure and people younger than eighteen are not eligible for liposuction.

Patients that will benefit from and that qualifies for liposuction needs to be non smokers and they must be fit. They should have good muscle tone and their skins should be firm and elastic. Potential patients must be healthy and they must not suffer from any dread disease, heart problems, hypertension, cholesterol or diabetes. Surgeons prefer patients that are within thirty per cent of their ideal body weight.

There are certain risks involved when opting for liposuction. Side effects include mild discomfort, swelling and bruising but this clears away after a few weeks. There is a risk of infection, but this is the case with any surgical procedure. Cases where the skin ended up in a bumpy condition or where the skin withered have been reported. This will have to be remedied by a further surgical procedure.

When thinking about undergoing liposuction it is important to approach a surgeon that has experience in this specific procedure. It is also vital to make sure that the surgeon is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The surgeon should provide the prospective patient with full information on how the procedure will be performed and also about the side effects that can be expected and the risks that the patient will be running.

Being slim remains one of the most cherished dreams of many people. This is one of the reasons why liposuction is so popular. Patients must realize, however, that the fat removed during the procedure will simply return if they do not maintain a healthy life style.

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