vendredi 1 avril 2016

Learn How A Geneva Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Whiplash Pain And Limitations

By Nelson Clodfelter

An injury often sustained after vehicle accidents is whiplash that will become worse and restrict movement over a period of time. The assistance provided by a Geneva chiropractor includes the detection of structural issues and naturalistic therapy for support and recovery. Safe technique is determined and provided for the relief of neck pain.

The force causing the whipping motion of the head and neck causes damage to the soft tissues and joints in the upper cervical spine. Pain may not be experienced immediately after the trauma, but after days and weeks will become so severe that movement is compromised. Whiplash is a structural issue requiring a manual approach for recovery and cannot be resolved with the use of prescription medication.

The spine is comprised of vertebrae, nerves and interconnected soft tissue. Accidents can cause these joints to shift and compress the nerves and tissues that support each disc leading to limited movement, pain and nervous system dysfunction. Chiropractic therapy can assess the spinal column condition and structures within the neck that have been affected by trauma.

Spinal adjustment methods are applied to improve misalignment of upper cervical vertebrae and remove abnormal nerve pressure. The gentle and safe thrusts to the joints will move it back into position and release tension and compression to allow the tissues to heal and nerves to operate healthily. Once the stress is relieved, an enhancement in movement can be experienced.

Damage of the musculoskeletal system related to whiplash can be tended to in a non-surgical manner. The formation of muscle damage and minor tears can cause difficult movement and requires massage and exercises in a structured manner to support physical function. The chiropractor may advise on the performance of slow and structured neck movements to prevent scar tissue formation.

Chiropractic delivers technique in a non-surgical manner to relieve spinal, muscle and nerve dysfunction. Strategies are individualized and aim to enhance movement through comprehensive rehabilitation methods. Whiplash requires a structural approach to alleviate limitations and improve painful symptoms that are limiting everyday living.

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