vendredi 25 août 2017

Homeopathic Cold Remedies To The Rescue

By Daniel Howard

A cure for the common cold has been sought for centuries. There are many over the counter products that help people go to work without the sniffles or get a good night's sleep in spite of nasal congestion, sore throat, or coughing spells. Many consumers prefer to use one of the time-honored homeopathic cold remedies rather than a pharmaceutical chemical.

In homeopathy, 'like' cures 'like'. A chosen substance, which might be a plant, a mineral, or even something like bee venom, is diluted in a carrier, often milk sugar, and processed to increase its potency even as its actual presence is reduced. In fact, in the end product a microscopic examination may not even reveal the principle ingredient. This causes many to decry any true benefit to this kind of therapy, but millions continue to use it around the world.

The basic tenets are easy to understand. Think of how your eyes water and your nose runs when you chop an onion. Onion is used to make the remedy Allium cepa, which is taken to relieve the symptoms of runny eyes and nose when you get a cold. It is usual to take the remedy in pellets of milk sugar; several of the tiny tablets are dissolved under the tongue to help the medicine enter the bloodstream quickly and efficiently.

The tissue salts are one of the most basic of remedies. These twelve valuable compounds are based on minerals normally found in human tissue. Ferr Phos is used to keep a fever from reaching dangerous heights while still allowing it to function as nature intended to fight infection. Ferr phos can also be used as a nutritional supplement, to boost the health of an invalid.

Belladonna is an interesting remedy. In macro - or large - amounts, the roots of this plant, deadly nightshade, can kill you. However, the homeopathic form, developed to combat scarlet fever, safely controls fevers and upper respiratory inflammation. It is a common remedy for some of the discomforts of colds and flu.

Other symptoms, such as coughs and sore throats, can also be helped with homeopathy. Several of the twelve tissue salts are used, as are Aconite and Bryonia. The pertussis germ itself is used to make a remedy for coughing spasms that wrack sufferers until they are exhausted. Using minute amounts of a toxin is a general practice in homeopathy; poison ivy and bee venom are used to make remedies, for example.

Many over-the-counter homeopathic products have more than one remedy in the formula. Many of them will have Belladonna, Kali bic, Hepar sulfuris, Pulsatilla (one of the broad remedies used for a number of disorders), and Calcarea Carbonica. There are many homeopathic companies, but all are regulated by the FDA. The potency is indicated by a number followed by a letter; 6X is diluted and processed 10 times, while 30X undergoes 30 steps. 30C, which is still considered suitable for self-treatment, undergoes hundreds of stages.

Since many children and even some adults experience negative reactions to conventional cold medicines, it's smart to learn about the safe and effective science of homeopathy.

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