jeudi 17 août 2017

Healthwise And Reiki Corpus Christi

By Joyce Baker

It is all about touch and feeling better. This is the way of Reiki Corpus Christi, in making you feel revived and rejuvenated. It is better to feel that all has been done healthwise only to learn later that the onset of an illness could have been reverted.

A trained therapist does all the work whilst the client explores and investigates his or her body gaining knowledge about it that was not there before. Reiki makes use of hand movements around the body and no actual touching occurs. This is a well used practice which has been used since the dawn of time and has been handed down to practitioners of today.

Energy is all around wherever you look and this is also particularly so for the body. Should body energies not be correctly aligned or flowing as it should, this is a sign that internally in the related area, sickness is underfoot. Some therapists are gifted and can actually see the aura of a person and tell whether there is illness within. This is a non pervasive technique which is highly sought after by many and is used to diagnose problems with regard to health matters.

Fields of energy that surround the body and pervade through it are distorted due to different forms of stress and impact bodily organs such as the brain, large intestine and colon to mention but a few. The client may not feel discomfort in a certain area of the body such as the stomach. However, the therapist can feel the onset of illness through their fingertips and suggest a course of action to resolve the abnormality.

These can take on various forms such as poor diet, pollution, noise and working long hours to meet deadlines. Food types that are consumed is essential to an individual's well being. A poor diet impacts the digestive system and has an effect on the stomach and intestines. A trained therapist can pick up those tell tale signs and offer suggestions as to how to embark on a path of better health.

Fast foods are the norm today and are consumed in huge quantities globally such as pizza, burgers and many fried foods which are quick to prepare. These do not contain enough of the natural nutrients the body craves and invariably consumption of these foods leads to overweight and obesity. They are meals that do not contain the right stuff and so with this, the body suffers and craves for proper nutrition.

Eating the correct foods is a way of life but like most, seems to be a chore that is left for a later time. Most say that they will do better their diet at a later time but in the meantime do not embark on a diet regimen that is productive and progressive. Reiki therapists assist with all areas of life and it is advisable from the start to open up an honest path of communication.

This is what the practitioner is paid for. To help and assist wherever possible as well as balancing energy fields within and without the body. It is a time for relaxation and to take stock of life.

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