samedi 7 janvier 2017

Finding Relief With Acupuncture Boca Raton

By Barbara Jones

People no longer accept that they must suffer chronic pain without hope of relief. They also know that maintaining a high level of stress for extended periods is unhealthy. Those who pursue a holistic lifestyle prefer to use alternative methods and avoid pharmaceutical drugs or surgery. For southern Florida residents, acupuncture Boca Raton is a valuable resource.

This sprawling metropolis is one of the wealthiest residential areas in the state. Since upper income people are more likely to make use of alternative clinics and therapies, Boca Raton is a good place to look for qualified therapists. Once a clinic or office has been located, you can call ahead with any questions you may have.

You may not consider stress to be a disorder, but continued high levels contribute to emotional and mental problems, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and sleep disruption. Tension is also a factor in neck, shoulder, and back pain. Acupuncture, often combined with the use of traditional Chinese herbs, massage, and other stress reduction methods, has been successfully tried by millions since it became popular in the late 1970s.

TCM, or traditional Chinese medicine, uses acupuncture in a program for restoring health and balance to the entire body. The Japanese and Korean cultures have similar ways of using needles to stimulate particular 'points' on the body. Most often, however, it is the Chinese methodology that is practiced in the US. Training in this art is important for both the satisfaction and the safety of clients.

Proper training is essential, since the science of using needles to stimulate precise points to achieve the desired effect is the result of centuries of observation. Practitioners also learn proper safety procedures. The thin, solid metal needles should be disposable and only used for one treatment. Because the needles actually pierce the skin, cleanliness is essential.

During a session, a number of extremely thin needles are placed at prescribed points, to stimulate the flow of 'life energy' or qi. This concept is foreign to most westerners, but if they think of it as increasing circulation, which is known to promote healing, it may make better sense. Of course, there is much more to this method, and a qualified therapist will be able to explain clearly the process and the improvement to be expected. The procedure is generally painless.

Some of the terminology is familiar. Pressure points are the key places that affect the flow of energy, and meridians are the pathways along which the energy flows. The energy can be sluggish or blocked entirely, which leads to debility or pain. Sceptics say there is no basis for believing that this therapy works, but those who have found relief for many of life's ills beg to differ. Doctors do prescribe this form of treatment for those suffering nausea after chemotherapy or pain after dental surgery.

Many other disorders can be addressed by the acupuncturist. Lack of energy, migraines and lesser headaches, lower back pain, and depression are other symptoms that can be treated. Find a qualified practitioner and ask about health concerns you may have.

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