jeudi 24 mars 2016

Stockbridge GA Chiropractors Offer Decompression Therapy In Office

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

Though the back is the part of the body that a chiropractor works on most often, it is definitely not the only one. From joints to nerves and especially the neck, a good chiropractor can help alleviate or eradicate pain in several parts of the body. If you find yourself hurting, making an appointment with a Stockbridge Georgia Chiropractor may just your ticket to getting back to a pain-free life.

Decompression therapy is a way of taking the pressure off of vertebrae or discs in the back to relieve pain without having to undergo surgery. The doctor uses a motorized traction device to gently stretch your spine a little at a time. The sessions may take several weeks or months, with each visit lasting from 30 minutes to an hour.

When you go for multiple sessions, any bulging or herniated discs that may be misaligned may retract. This means that any pressure that leads to pain is relieved; giving you mobility you may have previously lost. They discs begin to heal, allowing you to go back to a normal life.

This type of therapy can also help with a lot of other ailments besides just spinal injuries. Back pain in particular can be improved, since the neck is simply an extension of the spine. Sciatica is a chronic condition that may also see improvement, as well as joints and spinal nerve damage.

Like most therapies, you should not try decompression if you are already suffering from an ailment or condition. A good example is someone with fragile or compromised bones, such as those with fractures or osteoporosis, since you need stronger bones to complete the sessions. Pregnant women should also avoid getting it since it may stress out the fetus.

There are two types of spinal decompression, the one that chiropractors do, and the surgical kind performed by a surgeon in a hospital. The chiropractor way does help people, with the added bonus that no scalpels are involved at all, which many find to be much more agreeable when seeking medical help.

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