Acupuncture or needle therapy is a traditional way managing certain illnesses. It is often used in conjunction with other methods of treatment which are scientifically proven. Common conditions likely to benefit from needle therapy include low back pain, pain in the large joints such as the knee and hip and fibromyalgia among other musculoskeletal disorders. There are some of the facts relating to acupuncture Mapleridge BC residents may find worth knowing.
An average of five to fifteen needles are used for a given session. In the usual setting, the individual is provided with a couch to lie down and expose the site that is to undergo therapy. This has to be done in a serene and private environment to foster effectiveness of treatment. Placement of needles engages the use of pressure to provide relief to the site of discomfort. The instruments utilized in the session are tiny enough not to cause unnecessary pain and just large enough to be effective.
Just like it is done conventionally, a specific routine has to be followed to formulate an appropriate treatment plan. This is composed of problem inquiry, inspection, palpation and auscultation. Inquiry is not any different from the usual taking of histories done in hospitals and medical clinics. The only difference could be that in acupuncture, questions are limited and much more specific. The acupuncturist inquires about menstruation, passing of stool and urine and charecteristics of pain.
For physical examination, the therapist begins by inspecting the size, shape, colour and any coating in the tongue. They also are keen to pick out any bizarre smells emanating from the body. The next thing to be done is auscultation in which case the acupuncturist listens for any abnormal sounds such as wheezes or stridor in the lung areas . Palpation is then done using the palm of the hand.
Stainless steel is the metal of choice for needle because of its flexibility and resistance to rust. Needles are usually disposable but in case the specialist plans on using them again to save on finances, they need to be fully sterilized. Longer needles are applied on strong tissues while shorter ones are preferred for the face because of greater vulnerability in the facial region.
The minimum length of needle used is thirteen millimeters while one hundred and thirty millimetres is the maximum. In terms of thickness, the maximum diameter is less than one millimetre. Robust individuals can cause a needle to break easily. It is therefore better to use thicker needles in these cases. The only shortcoming for thick acupuncture devices is bluntness which can result in the patient experiencing more pain instead of relief.
Acupressure, fire needling and electric acupuncture are some of the modifications of this technique in current use. Acupressure replaces needles with hands to manipulate pressure points. Needless can be exposed to fire and the resultant heat applied on the skin surface. This is called fire needle therapy.
In conclusion, acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine that aims at treating various musculoskeletal skeletal disorders. It has to work hand in hand with major mainstream medicine treatment approaches to ensure effectiveness. Despite being unproven by science, it has helped quite a number of individuals to navigate through life comfortably.
An average of five to fifteen needles are used for a given session. In the usual setting, the individual is provided with a couch to lie down and expose the site that is to undergo therapy. This has to be done in a serene and private environment to foster effectiveness of treatment. Placement of needles engages the use of pressure to provide relief to the site of discomfort. The instruments utilized in the session are tiny enough not to cause unnecessary pain and just large enough to be effective.
Just like it is done conventionally, a specific routine has to be followed to formulate an appropriate treatment plan. This is composed of problem inquiry, inspection, palpation and auscultation. Inquiry is not any different from the usual taking of histories done in hospitals and medical clinics. The only difference could be that in acupuncture, questions are limited and much more specific. The acupuncturist inquires about menstruation, passing of stool and urine and charecteristics of pain.
For physical examination, the therapist begins by inspecting the size, shape, colour and any coating in the tongue. They also are keen to pick out any bizarre smells emanating from the body. The next thing to be done is auscultation in which case the acupuncturist listens for any abnormal sounds such as wheezes or stridor in the lung areas . Palpation is then done using the palm of the hand.
Stainless steel is the metal of choice for needle because of its flexibility and resistance to rust. Needles are usually disposable but in case the specialist plans on using them again to save on finances, they need to be fully sterilized. Longer needles are applied on strong tissues while shorter ones are preferred for the face because of greater vulnerability in the facial region.
The minimum length of needle used is thirteen millimeters while one hundred and thirty millimetres is the maximum. In terms of thickness, the maximum diameter is less than one millimetre. Robust individuals can cause a needle to break easily. It is therefore better to use thicker needles in these cases. The only shortcoming for thick acupuncture devices is bluntness which can result in the patient experiencing more pain instead of relief.
Acupressure, fire needling and electric acupuncture are some of the modifications of this technique in current use. Acupressure replaces needles with hands to manipulate pressure points. Needless can be exposed to fire and the resultant heat applied on the skin surface. This is called fire needle therapy.
In conclusion, acupuncture is an alternative form of medicine that aims at treating various musculoskeletal skeletal disorders. It has to work hand in hand with major mainstream medicine treatment approaches to ensure effectiveness. Despite being unproven by science, it has helped quite a number of individuals to navigate through life comfortably.
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