mercredi 19 octobre 2016

Important Facts On Liposuction Michigan Clients Need To Know

By Sandra Scott

Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures. It entails the reduction of fat from areas in which it is not desired. Such areas may include the thighs, the buttocks the tummy, the neck and the face. The demand for this form of surgery has been on the rise in recent years. If they plan on undergoing liposuction Michigan clients need to have a number of things in mind.

There is a need to emphasize that liposuction is not an ideal method of weight loss. This is because only a small amount of fat can be removed at a given time. Moreover, the fat is lost in an asymmetrical manner. Better results can be attained by undertaking lifestyle changes such as modifying the diet and taking part in physical exercise.

One of the things that are considered for persons undergoing the procedure is the body mass index (or BMI). The persons that are likely to benefit most from the procedure are those with a BMI of 40 or more. This should, however, not be taken as an exclusion criteria. Patients that may potentially benefit from this procedure regardless of BMI include those with weight related conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes and hypertension.

When you make the decision to have this procedure, you need to undergo some preparation. Among the things to be done is an explanation of what this surgery entail to the patient. The patient needs to understand the benefits and risks before making their independent decision. The patient is then subjected to various blood tests aimed at ensuring that they are ready to undergo the procedure.

The type of anesthesia to be used during the operation is determined by the extent of operation and the number of sites that are involved. General and regional anesthesia are the two most common options that can be used here. Regional anesthesia is preferred for shorter operations while general anesthesia is chosen when the area to be operated on is much larger. Once the anesthesia has been administered, a small surgical incision is made.

Fat is broken down using a high frequency vibrator. This process is also termed lipolysis. After the breakdown, the fat is suctioned from the region using a suction machine and discarded. The amount of fat to be removed during one operation should not exceed 3 liters. If one has a desire to get rid of more than this then they should arrange for other surgical operations.

When the anesthesia that is used is regional (such as a spinal block), the patient will recover from the drugs faster and they can be released from hospital on the same day. On the other hand, if general anesthesia is used, the patient will be retained in the facility for at least 24 hours to allow for observations. This is because with this type of anesthesia, it takes a bit longer to regain full consciousness.

Complications resulting from this procedure are few and quite rare in the hands of a skilled surgeon. Note that the risk of getting complications increases with an increasing number of procedures and increasing surface area. Commonly encountered complications include, among others, excessive loss of blood, bruising, wound infections and scar formation. Infections are usually controlled through the administration of antibiotics. Consult your doctor immediately if you notice pus oozing from the wounds.

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