vendredi 10 novembre 2017

What A Chiropractor Culver City Can Do For You

By Dennis Allen

What does a chiropractor actually do? Very often you hear people saying that the chiropractor can fix neck pain and back pain. Other people might tell you funny story such as; they went to the Chiropractor Culver City and he cured their indigestion, bile problem, headaches, visual disturbance, etc. They sometimes even say they use to have ringing in their ears and their daughter had bedwetting, but it all went away.

Seeing all the differing opinions out there, it can be seen that the question of who a chiropractor is and what he does is a very valid question. The truth is that chiropractic care isn't really about treating one condition or the other. It will surprise you that a chiropractor has never treated a case of headaches or back pains. Shocking? I know.

Chiropractic medicine is a branch of medicine concerned with maintaining a healthy nervous system just by maintaining a healthy spine. It is a tenet in chiropractic medicine that the vitality of the body is tied to the vitality of individual parts of the human body. In other words, the whole is a reflection of all the contributing parts.

So now, what is it that regulates the function of the body. The human body is absolutely magnificent ! Fifty to seventy trillion cells operate within your body 24/7 and you do not even need to think about it. Your lungs are going up and down as you are sleeping. Your heart is beating right now and it is even possible that you are probably digesting some food. Now, do you think that food is digesting itself? Not at all. You see, the brain is communicating with your stomach as you speak.

You might ask how the brain controls the digestive functions of your stomach. It is simple and at the same time complex. But in a simple explanation, the brain does this by sending a signal with instructions to digest your food via your spine. This signal subsequently comes out from the primary nerve of your spine, goes through different interconnecting nerves and finally arrives at the nerves directly linked to the stomach, where the instructions are carried out.

Subluxation simply means a misalignment or breach in the spine. In such situations, if the brain is trying to send a signal to your stomach to digest what you are eating right now, and there is a subluxation or misalignment present in your spinal column, this might prevent the signal from reaching your stomach via the connecting nerves. This is where the practitioner of this system of complementary medicine comes in as he works in correcting the breach caused by the subluxation.

With this problem, the chiropractor will have to look at your spine to diagnose if you have subluxation in the first place. If it is determined to be a subluxation problem, the chiropractor will then treat by using safe and effective measures to remove the pressure on the offending nerve. If all goes well, you can get back to the benefits of a fully functional body.

However, there is no way your body can function at hundred percent if you have nerve interference coming from your spine. That is what chiropractors do and they believe that every single person on this planet deserves a well and healthy functioning nervous system all of his or her life.

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