mardi 12 septembre 2017

The Average San Diego Medium Has Many Clients

By Christopher Davis

Prophets, seers, wizards, witches and other people with special talents have been part of society since the very beginning. To this day psychics enjoy thriving practises and millions of people consult such practitioners on a regular basis. Loyal clients believe that their psychics have special insight and access to knowledge that ordinary people simply do not have. Perhaps that is why the average San Diego medium enjoys such spectacular success.

Despite its immense popularity, paranormal psychology has many enemies. Critics say that these practitioners are thieves that prey on gullible people. They say that there is absolutely no evidence that the talents and abilities claimed by psychics actually exist and that these psychics simply use elementary psychological theories to con their clients into believing that they have extraordinary abilities to access other sources of knowledge and wisdom.

Critics particularly lament the fact that gullible people often follow the advice of a psychic to their own detriment. Instead of making their own decisions based upon expert advice and common sense, they allow psychics to guide them on a very specific path, even if it seems illogical. When things go wrong, as they often do, the client has no recourse and the psychic will most certainly not accept responsibility for the outcome.

It is true, however, that psychics remain popular and that many of them enjoy enviable reputations. They are even occasionally asked by police forces all over the world to help solve puzzling crimes and they have achieved amazing success in these efforts. This, and the fact that many high profile individuals do not hide the fact that they consult psychics, help to boost the immense popularity of paranormal psychology.

Many psychics have reacted to the severe criticism against them by saying that these criticisms are based on a lack of knowledge. Psychics do not foresee the future, read the minds of people, alter events, cast spells or claim magical abilities. True psychics, they say, simply use the natural energy surrounding living organisms to create communication channels to beings existing in other dimensions.

Some paranormal practitioners say that they had no choice in whether they wanted to become practitioners or not. They say that they were elected and appointed to act as go between. Creatures or beings from other dimensions simply use them as channels to communicate with people. Their role is to receive these messages and to relay them to those intended to hear these messages. In fact, the bible contains many example of just such people that were used by God as his special messengers.

The field of paranormal psychology is not regulated in any way. There are no official bodies overlooking the activities and conduct of practitioners. They do not have to obtain a license to practice and they do not require special formal training. Clients need to understand and accept this because if they are not happy after consulting a psychic, there is no way in which they can officially pursue the matter.

Paranormal psychology is an immensely popular field and many television series and movies have convinced millions of people that it is real. They firmly believe that there are forces, dimensions and beings out there that are hidden to ordinary people. They believe that they can gain access to these fantastical realms by consulting a psychic.

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