lundi 31 juillet 2017

What You Should Know Before Choosing The Acutonics Healing System

By Laura White

Sometimes, you may not be feeling well, but the thought of popping more pills or going in for another injection may not sound appealing. However, you cannot just sit at home and wish your illness away. Consider trying a more traditional form of medicine like the acutonics healing system, if you feel stuck in such a rut. Before you book one of these sessions for yourself, here is what you need to know.

Most ancient sound healing systems, acutonics included, are borrowed from the oriental culture. This particular method makes use of tuning forks, which are calibrated following the orbital properties of our solar system. The tuning forks are then placed along acupressure points or sometimes close to the ear, to deliver the vibration deep into the body.

Because the procedure is non-invasive, the side effects are almost non-existent, and you do not have to worry about any internal damage. Additionally, considering that these methods are ancient, they have been tried and tested, to ensure that the sound waves emitted by the tuning forks do not affect your auditory canals negatively. Some healers also like to include gongs and singing bowls to intensify the effect.

While doing your research, you will come across testimonials from people who say they have been relieved of pain after going for acutonics sessions. According to scientific data, this happens after the vibrations in your body are brought back into synch. However, you need to keep in mind that no official clinical trials have been conducted on this treatment method.

Before you go for any treatment, you are advised to ensure that the person administering the treatment is an expert. With acutonics, you will only be able to gauge this from their work experience. This is because there is no actual certification for the method. The longer a person has been in business, the more cases they have handled. This means they have the hands-on experience, needed to give you satisfying results.

For some people, traditional medicine is their first option, while for other it is their last. If you happen to fall into the former category, then only use this treatment option, if you can see actual results. If possible, you should keep your doctor updated to ensure that whatever illness you may have is not getting worse while you sit there thinking you are getting cured. This is very important because with no clinical studies having been done for acutonics, no one can tell who which conditions it can cure.

Acutonics is not just for people who are not feeling well. Various forms of sound therapy have been used to reduce stress and also give the patients a feeling of wellness. You can book an appointment at least once every week to help you unload your worries and the stress you may have accumulated within that week. You are assured of feeling rested and calm after each session.

Unless you are in a therapy group, you will not be able to get these services for free. The charges you pay will largely depend on who you see. Logically, more experienced healers will be more expensive. To avoid getting conned, ask around and get the rates for at least three people. With these figures, you can determine the average rates for these services and therefore tell when someone is trying to exploit you.

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