dimanche 2 avril 2017

Natural Recovery Through Reiki Healing Calistoga, CA

By Mark Butler

What today is called Reiki is the spiritual practice Mikao Usui founded, which is the vibrations of love and harmony of universal energy. There are healers that use their own life force and other energies, but Reiki uses only the powerful vibrations of unconditional love and harmony directly from the universe. This is why all Reiki practitioners have studied under a Reiki Shihan (teacher), and most have completed 2 or more levels; level one focuses on self-healing. Reiki Shihans (teachers) have completed 4 or more levels. The Reiki Healing Calistoga, CA sessions are conducted by the most experienced teachers.

Reiki is the stuff of the Universe, and the Wisdom behind it. It is the pure foundation upon which all else is based and, as such, can be accessed by any part from any location. Reiki as a healing modality simply involves the awareness and utility of a force that has always been inherent to you.

In the United States, Reiki is often used to complement traditional Western medical techniques. An increasing number of nurses and nurse practitioners use Reiki techniques as part of their caregiving to their patients. It's not intended to be used as a method to diagnose medical conditions or as a primary healing modality. Energy healing and balancing is considered to the primary value of Reiki.

One of the major perks to Reiki as a healing modality is its general flexibility. Although understood by many to be a "spiritual energy", it need not be viewed in this way. Considering a form of healing to be "spiritual" often implies a certain amount of exclusivity, because almost every person has his or her own idea of what that means. Some people don't consider themselves "spiritual" and it is easy to get wrapped up in terms and even easier to feel excluded as a result of using them.

There is also one particularly secretive section of Japanese Reiki healers who are thought to practice the same method of the treatment used originally by Mikao Usui. Traditional Japanese Reiki also does not focus as much on meridian lines and chakras as western healers do. Western healers tend to focus more on hand placement looking to particular chakras than the traditional Japanese Reiki Healers do.

As the Shihan or practitioner scans over the body, their hands stop over any area where inharmonic vibrations are notice and remain there until balance is restored. The Shihan's or practitioner's hands either gently rest on noninvasive areas of your body, or are held a few inches away -- either way the energy flows to where it is needed. At the beginning and end of the session an aura cleansing, or other Japanese technique is used to balance and brush away all inharmonic vibrations (blocks), and your energy field (aura) is cleansed and adjusted.

There are a wide variety of practical uses for this treatment. One of the main uses is for treating health issues. It has been known to treat anything from the common cold to serious illnesses like cancer. It can be used as an alternative to traditional health care or alongside traditional health care. Many have found that it has caused them to not need as much or any of their prescription medication.

It is also useful for psychiatric disorders. Insomnia is one of the more common conditions to be treated effectively with this treatment. Those with eating disorders may also benefit from this treatment. In addition to helping treat mental and medical conditions this treatment can be used to heal and strengthen the soul. It can help overcome emotional trauma such as PTSD. It is also beneficial for those who are interested in furthering their own.

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