dimanche 28 août 2016

Use Energy Medicine For A Better Immune System

By Walter Gray

The human form can be a complex matter. Each one is different and curing ailments may vary from one individual to another. Sometimes health care practitioners may not see this right away and prescribe treatments that bring side effects first. If there are no immediate results, their solution is normally to give a higher dose. When choosing an energy medicine specialist, the problem area is worked on and not masked in medicine.

This alternative medicine technique dates back to early Eastern culture and can be used to heal a number of ailments that are emotional and physical. It can also used as an aid for complicated medical procedures. However, many are using this as a form of pain management with much success.

Good health starts with a strong immune system, which is something that many do not realize. After coming in contact with different people and toxic air throughout the day, the body can be compromised. When this is ongoing, there is high risk for infection, pain and emotional fatigue. Eventually it becomes difficult to fight off colds, flu or other airborne illness.

For some, feelings of fatigue may go a little deeper. Emotional problems, like anxiety or depression, may prevent a person from functioning normally throughout the day. Medicines, such as, Xanax or Valium, may help with sleep but like with any medication, long term use has serious risks for the user.

Energy therapy can help one transition from prescription medication. This entails various techniques and practices that are customized by a specialist. Some methods, like energy psychology, are similar to acupuncture but do not use needles. Specialists are trained to stimulate pressure points in the body that are identified as an area that is out of balance.

The art of therapeutic touch goes by several names, like Qigong or Reiki. Some techniques are not limited to licensed health care professionals but those who work in self help or social work have used this with clients who may experience emotional problems. Though energy psychology may be used for mental or emotional issues, it can also be used to relieve pain as part of a treatment plan.

These techniques can also help to regain natural energy and restore mental focus through the stimulation of senses, or pressure points. Body breakdown may be the result of food lacking the proper nutrients, being out of shape, or the repetitive motions while working long hours. Sometimes converting a work environment to one that is ergonomic is not the answer, even when productivity improves or the person seems to feel better. Only an assessment by a professional can pinpoint the problem areas and a treatment plan.

For these reasons and many others, people are turning to alternative therapy for their health issues. There are no side effects to slow a person down nor is addiction likely to occur. With more studies that support its effectiveness, more physicians are finding that even using as a form of complementary medicine makes a big difference in the well being of their patients.

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