lundi 15 février 2016

The Numerous Benefits Colloidal Silver Provides

By Joseph Green

Silver is an element that is used in a number of industries. It is integral to the manufacturing, health and cosmetic industries. Colloidal silver, which is the form that is most important to the pharmaceutical industry, has been used for centuries. Preference for the element as a therapeutic agent dropped sharply at the beginning of the twentieth century when breakthroughs in antibiotic manufacture were made. There are still many other benefits colloidal silver confers hence it is still available in some centers.

It is common practice for the colloid to be compounded with one type of salt or the other in a bid to increase the potency. When combined with nitrate, for instance, silver nitrate is produced. This compound is used in the manufacture of eye ointment that are routinely administered to new born babies as prophylaxis against conjunctivitis. The nitrate is also beneficial in managing skin conditions such as corns and warts.

Topical colloidal silver is used in managing a number of skin conditions. It has been an important component of treatments that are used for various types of burns. It has also been used to provide relief for periodontitis, burns and thrush. Due to its high potency against fungal organisms, the colloid is frequently used to treat ring worm. Other skin conditions include psoriasis and eczema.

The oral forms of the colloid have been found to be effective in treating some gastrointestinal conditions. They are recommended for conditions affecting the small intestines (as opposed to the large intestines) because they are rapidly absorbed once taken. Some of the conditions that have been successfully managed include inflammatory bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and food poisoning among others.

The colloid has been used for a long period of time in the management of upper respiratory infections. For the treatment of sinusitis and some forms of allergies that manifest with respiratory symptoms, a nasal spray containing the compound may be used. Similar benefits have been seen with the common cold. Studies show that it relieves symptoms in up to 90% of patients. It is also being tried for viral pneumonia and bronchitis.

The most dramatic side effect of this treatment is a condition referred to as argyria. It is the result of silver deposited beneath the skin reacting with the sun to change to a blue gray color. The effects are most prominent on the hands and the face. There is no definitive treatment but laser therapy has been shown to provide some relief.

Another major complication is the tendency to accumulate in various internal organs such as kidneys, the heart and the liver among others. The result of this is impairment of function for all the affected organs. This complication is most likely to occur if the colloid is used for a prolonged period of time or if very high dosages are involved. No form of treatment has been approved yet for this complication.

Due caution should be taken when using this agent for treatment of any condition. You need to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and if the colloid is needed, proper dosing has to be made. The doctor will also educate you on the alternatives that exist.

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